Journal History

Tatar Pasundan Journal, the official scientific journal of Balai Diklat Keagamaan Bandung. The printed versions were firstly published in 2009. From 2019 onwards, the electronic version has been made available twice a year, June and December. Besides, since Volume 15 No. 1, 2021, the journal redesign its logo, cover and article template into new design. The e-journal version accepts all research and scientific papers from widyaiswara or instructors, researchers, academics, madrasa teachers, practitioners, and the contributors who work in the education, training, religious, and management field. Highest priority is given to research reports that are specifically written for a multidisciplinary audience. The journal is currently being indexed by Crossref, Google Scholar, Garuda, ISJD Neo, Dimensions, Infobase, Road, and PKP. Other indexing databases are on progress. The journal from 2020 has been acredited by Kemenristekbrin  base on SK No. 200/M/KPT/2020 (SINTA 3).